BS EN 15085

Manufacturer certification in accordance with EN 15085; Railway Applications – Welding of Railway Vehicles and Components, is being increasingly required by specifiers and customers of components, sub-assemblies and vehicles. The Certification for Welding of Railway Vehicles and Components scheme demonstrates a manufacturer’s competence for control of welding quality in production of railway vehicles and components and as a result is becoming a pre-qualification requirement.

Compliance to EN 15085 certification is evidence that your operations meet the railway industry’s European standard for consistency and high quality in fusion welding of materials within the manufacture and maintenance of railway vehicles, associated components and parts.

The EN 15085 standard series applies to the design, manufacturing, testing and conformity assessment of welded railway vehicles, components and assemblies. It sets out the requirements for the quality system, welding process approvals, as well as performance qualifications for the Responsible Welding Co-ordinator, welder and welding operator.

This family of standards comprises 5 sections:

Part 1: General
Part 2: Quality Requirements and Certification of Welding Manufacturer
Part 3: Design Requirements
Part 4: Production Requirements
Part 5: Inspection, Testing and Documentation

How 3mj Consulting can assist your Business

3mj Consulting can guide you through the process, assisting your team to identify the requirements that are appropriate to your business and develop a system with your team producing all procedures, manuals and documentation and implement training as required.

Our services include but are not limited to:

  • Initial company review and gap analysis to identify and plan your required support
  • Review operating procedures
  • Set out an action plan for the client and 3mj Consulting to work towards
  • Set target dates for completion of key tasks
  • Modify or produce new manuals, procedures and documentation
  • Supply continued support through the implementation process
  • Provide or assist in the resourcing of identified training requirements
  • Support with certification of welding procedures (WPQR) and welders (EN ISO 15614 series and EN ISO 9606 series)
  • Support with RWC appointment or RWC training
  • Carry out internal audits and pre-certification audit reviews
  • Work with your Management Team
  • Attendance at Notified Body Audit meeting

Notified Bodies that carry out assessments to EN 15085 include:

Lloyds Register
Bureau Veritas